The Squares of Innovation

Renewables Arena:
from self-production to energy storage in smart buildings

Curated by

The European Union’s ‘Renovation wave strategy,’ published in 2020, aims to promote renovations of existing buildings at the European level, encouraging the transition to more eco-friendly buildings and the creation of new jobs. Additionally, it aligns the objectives of the sector with the broader decarbonization goals already in place at the community level.

With this measure and those that have followed in the last two years, the European Union, including member countries such as Italy, has set challenging objectives with two predetermined deadlines in 2030 and 2050. These objectives envision, at the end of the process, the overall ‘revamping’ of the national building stock and carbon neutrality.

Smart Building Expo has always paid attention to the concept of ‘Digital Energy,’ namely the energy management of a building and an urban area. With the 2023 edition, this attention naturally extends to the merchandise sector of renewable energy production, which will have a dedicated area and training program.

Entrusted to the prestigious editorial direction of ‘,’ the Renewables Area will address some of the hottest topics in the energy transition, from the role of artificial intelligence to that of Renewable Energy Communities in the national decarbonization process, concluding with the use of low enthalpy geothermal energy.




Ore 10.30-11.00
Low-enthalpy Geothermal Energy: Current State and Market Prospects
Moreno Fattor, ANIGHP


Ore 12.00-13.00
TALK: The Role of AI in Building Energy Management
Luca Criscioni, VeChain / Anzo De Filippo, Italia EFICIA


Ore 14.15-14.45
The Greenbuilding activities of
Alessia Bardi, Matteo Spagnolo


Ore 15.00-15.30
Let’s tell the sustainable city. Green Building and new energies..
Andrea Vicario, Building Application Sales Manager ABB Spa


Ore 15,45-16,15
Airzone, the link between HVAC and BMS (Building Management System)
Fabio Surace, Direttore zona NORD OVEST Italia
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Ore 16.30-17.00
Heat Pumps: Innovation and Efficiency in Service of the Environment
Andrea Bolognini, Mitsubishi Electric



Ore 10.30-11.00
Low-enthalpy Geothermal Energy: High-temperature heat pump, the ideal technology for energy retrofits.e
Marco Silvestri/ Moreno Fatto, E.GEO


Ore 11.15-11.45
Sustainability and LED Screens
Cristian Bragato, CEO Videomobile


Ore 12.00-12.30
Fotovoltaico colorato: la nuova sfida tra efficienza e linguaggio architettonico
Nicola Baggio, FuturaSun


Ore 12.45-13.15
Colored Photovoltaics: The New Challenge Between Efficiency and Architectural Language
Stefania Striato, Green Building Council Italia


Ore 14.15-14.45
Le attività Greenbuilding di
Alessia Bardi, Matteo Spagnolo


Ore 15.00-15.30 
Sustainability and Energy Saving in Lighting
Andrea Solzi , direttore di Assil


Ore 15.45-16.15 
Home & Building Automation in the Service of Energy Production and Management for Savings and Increased Comfort
Massimo Valerii, KNX


Ore 16.30-17.00
Heat Pumps: Innovation and Efficiency in Service of the Environment
Andrea Bolognini, Mitsubishi Electric



Ore 10.30-11.00
Low-enthalpy Geothermal Energy: Thermal investigations on evolved soil types and innovative systems
Gabriele Cesari/Irene Manara, Egeo /Geo-Net


SMART CITY: Using Facades to Effectively Reduce Pollution
Franco Gianturco 2GNanoTech


Ore 12.00-13.00
TALK: How to establish a renewable energy community and their role in the decarbonization journey
Luigi Bottoni, Comunità Collinare del Friuli / Giuseppe Rebuzzini , MET Energia Italia


Ore 13.15-13.45
Active and Responsive Facades for People’s Comfort and Well-being
Gian Luca Valenti, Focchi Group


Ore 14.15-14.45
Le attività Greenbuilding di
Alessia Bardi, Matteo Spagnolo


Ore 16.30-17.00
Heat Pumps: Innovation and Efficiency in Service of the Environment
Federico Sala, Mitsubishi Electric


Luca Baldin, Project Manager di Smart Building Expo

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