The Squares of Innovation at Smart Building Expo
System Integration
Curated by
Entrusted to the supervision of the AIBACS association, the System Integration Arena addresses the most important topics related to the use of BMS and BACS systems for integrating major building systems. It provides an overview of the protocols in use and the essential expertise needed to ensure optimal operation of a smart building.
Ore 10.30-11.15
MATTER: The New Language of IoT?
Matteo Benedetti, socio AIBACS
Ore 11.30-12.15
Smart HVAC: The Future of Comfort/strong>
Filippo Bernardello, Alperia
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Ore 12.30-13.00
Regulation and Management of Climate Systems
Davide Truffo, AIBACS
Ore 14.00-15.30
BACnet: The Standard for Open and Secure Building Automation
Salvatore Cataldi /Fabrizio Pagnini, AIBACS
Ore 15.45-16.15
Integration of HVAC Systems in Home & Building Automation
Davide Truffo, KNX
Ore 16.30-17.00
Introduction to Communication Protocols
Paolo Laganà, AIBACS
Ore 10.30-11.15
BACS + ISO 52120 = Energy Efficiency
Marco Praderio, AIBACS
Ore 11.45-12.15</strong
ABB presents its vision of Building Automation
Renzo Ferraris, Solution Developer BMS ABB Spa
Ore 12.30-13.00
Who’s Afraid of IPv6?
Marco Boschini /Alessandro Pasta, AIBACS
Ore 14.00-15.30
BACnet: The Standard for Open and Secure Building Automation
Salvatore Cataldi / Fabrizio Pagnini, AIBACS
Ore 15.45-16.15
Alperia Sybil CT
Energy Savings in Thermal Power Plants
Francesco Cocchioni, Alperia
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Ore 16.30-17.00
Intelligenza Artificiale e Machine Learning
Prof. Alfonso Capozzoli, Politecnico di Torino, BAEDA lab
Ore 10.30-11.15
BACS + ISO 52120 = Energy Efficienc
Marco Praderio, AIBACS
Ore 11.45-12.15
The Professional Smart Home, Open to Integration
Daniele Andreasi /Giorgio Garzino, Urmet
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Ore 12.30-13.45
BACnet: The Standard for Open and Secure Building Automation
Salvatore Cataldi/ Fabrizio Pagnini, AIBACS
Ore 14.00-14.45
Smart HVAC: The Future of Comfort
Michele Andreoli, Alperia
Ore 15.00-15.30
VLAN nella Building Automation
Marco Boschini, AIBACS
Ore 15.45-16.15
LED Screens and System Integrators
Cristian Bragato, CEO Videomobile
Ore 16,30-17,00
Best Practices for System Integration: From Analysis to Implementation
Giuseppe Calcagno, Alessio Vannuzzi, KNX